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The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)

This dataset that contains primary occurrence data for species.


<p>The herbarium of the museum, referred to by code PC, includes a large number of important collections amongst its 2 000 000 cryptogams (algae, bryophyta, fungi and lichens) specimens. These collections are constitued by a general herbarium and numerous particular collections. Among these last, Allorge, Bescherelle, Bourdot &amp; Galzin, Heim, Hue, Montagne, Romagnesi, Sauvageau, Thuret &amp; Bornet herbaria.</p>

Type of content

Includes: Point occurrence data, gbif import.


MNHN, Chagnoux S (2024). The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris). Version 70.383. MNHN - Museum national d'Histoire naturelle. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-11-06.

Digitised records

Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the BioAtlas - Atlas bioraznolikosti Hrvatske. This resource was last checked for updated data on 15 Nov 2024. The most recent data was published on 15 Nov 2024.

Metadata last updated on 2024-11-15 10:18:49.0
