EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds
Dataset type
This dataset that contains primary occurrence data for species.
In 1997 the EBCC Atlas of European breeding birds, also referred to as European Ornithological Atlas or 'EOA', was published. This voluminous book was the result of more than 25 years of fieldwork, cooperation, data gathering, data processing, writing and editing. Next to a beautiful book the data in the maps provides countless possibilities fur further studies on the distribution of the European breeding birds.
Type of content
Includes: Point occurrence data, gbif import.Citation
Hagemeyer W, Blair M, Loos W (2016). EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds. Version 1.3. European Bird Census Council (EBCC). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/adtfvf accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-11-22.
Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License
Digitised records
Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the BioAtlas - Atlas bioraznolikosti Hrvatske. This resource was last checked for updated data on 22 Nov 2024. The most recent data was published on 12 Nov 2024.
Metadata last updated on 2024-11-22 15:12:53.0