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Database on Forest Disturbances in Europe

This dataset that contains primary occurrence data for species.


The Database on Forest Disturbances in Europe (DFDE) allows searching historic information about forest damage caused by wind, fire, animals, and diseases. The DFDE has been elaborated by Alterra and European Forest Institute. The dataset shared here contains a subset of the data for occurrence of biotic agents only, i.e., mammals, insects and fungi. Abiotic agents are not included in this dataset. Also full information on the extent of damage has been excluded. The dataset here has been georeferenced automatically using GeoLocate and the geographic coordinates have been checked only where so indicated. Please report corrections to the resource contact. Look for to access the entire database. The content of the database has been last updated in 2002. Future updates are possible -- please indicate interest in such project.

Type of content

Includes: Point occurrence data, gbif import.


Digitised records

Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the BioAtlas - Atlas bioraznolikosti Hrvatske. This resource was last checked for updated data on 15 Nov 2024. The most recent data was published on 15 Nov 2024.

Metadata last updated on 2024-11-15 18:27:13.0
