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NSW DPI Biosecurity Collections

This dataset that contains primary occurrence data for species.


Physical records of:

1. The insects and related forms associated with agricultural and forestry activity in New South Wales since 1890. It is housed at (Orange Agricultural Institute, Orange, NSW) and is managed under ISO accreditation.

2. The NSW DPI Plant Pathology & Mycology Herbarium specimens at this collection form the official plant disease records for NSW as well the states repository for mycological specimens (non-pathogenic fungi). The herbarium includes a living culture collection of fungi, bacteria and plant viruses of over 12,000 cultures.

Specimens cover fungi (plant pathogens, entomopathogens, beneficial fungi, native fungi), bacteria (pathogenic, beneficial), viruses, phytoplasma, oomycetes and nematodes.

The the percentage of digitised records across these collections is:

• Approximately 500,000 pinned insects (73%)

• 33,000 slide-mounted mites and smaller insects (98%)

• 40,000 specimens stored in alcohol (90%)

• 2,270 insect and mite types including 314 primary types.

• 95,407 herbarium specimens and cultures (78.8%)

Type of content

Includes: Point occurrence data, gbif import.


NSW Department of Primary Industries (2024). NSW DPI Biosecurity Collections. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-11-07.

Digitised records

Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the BioAtlas - Atlas bioraznolikosti Hrvatske. This resource was last checked for updated data on 15 Nov 2024. The most recent data was published on 15 Nov 2024.

Metadata last updated on 2024-11-15 19:58:13.0
